Excuse Me, Your Woo Is Showing: 6 Ways to Start Embracing Your Woo (Short for Woo-Woo)

Up until a few years ago, I was a closeted spiritual person and kept my “woo” hidden for fear of judgment.

“Woo” (aka woo-woo) is defined as the unconventional beliefs regarded as having little or no scientific basis, especially those relating to spirituality, mysticism, or alternative medicine by the Oxford English dictionary.

Even as a little girl I was interested in astrology and psychic beliefs, and I could often sense the energy of other people and animals. I was keenly aware of other people’s emotions. I kept all of the curiosity to myself. What would people think?!

Hiding it became more difficult when I entered the corporate world. Sitting in corporate boardrooms I could feel all the energy in the room from all the participants — the anxiety, the fear, the restlessness, the comparison, and felt called to let out my sensitive empathic side. 

I started to feel uncomfortable. 

I was hiding my sensitive side and pushing my emotions down to please others and make others feel comfortable. 

I was feeling limited and it was impacting me. 

Exposing My Woo

One night over some wine with my female coworkers, I exposed my inner self. 

I didn’t hold back. Maybe I shared too much? I had exposed all my “woo” beliefs. 

Inside I was freaking out, but the people surrounding me? They were smiling ear to ear. 

And they started sharing their stories. 

Here I was scared of how I was going to be perceived, and I realized that there are so many other people out there like me! 

We’re in this aquarian age and many of us are being called to embrace their sensitive side and to start embracing and understanding their feminine energy. Are you feeling it? Keep reading to learn about 6 ways you can start to embrace and show your “woo”. 

6 Ways to Start Embracing and Showing Your Woo

Read Light is the New Black by Rebecca Campbell

Light is the New Black was one of the first books I read when I started to embrace my woo and is one of the books I always recommend to my clients! Rebecca shows her journey through hiding her woo since childhood to revealing it and using it to shape her new career as an author and coach. 

As the “guide to answering your soul’s callings and working your light,” Rebecca does an amazing job of walking you through how to turn your light on and finding your light, and then how to live the light. She gives you so many options to show you woo, like how to light source, creating a vibration board, and how to make an altar. 

Highly recommend!

Sage Your House

Saging your home, or otherwise known as smudging your home, is an age-old ritual used to cleanse your home of negative and stagnant energy. Using a lit sage stick, the intent is to walk around your home and smudge your house including corners, behind doors, around windows. With your windows open, you’re allowing the negative and stagnant energy to escape to make room for positive energy. Be sure to purchase the sage from ethical companies. As saging rituals have become more popular, many of these natural resources have become depleted and are not being harvested in ethical ways. I order from https://mountainroseherbs.com.


Humans tend to make things more complicated/complex than they need to be. Our minds are extraordinary machines, and it’s incredible how sitting quietly and focusing on our breathing can help us reconnect with ourself and often connect us to spiritual downloads. Those downloads may come as a thought or a feeling, and it feels like a pull and clarity. Meditation allows us to connect to that deep inner knowing (intuition) which has been reignited during this Aquarian Age and reclamation of feminie energy.

If you’d like to learn more, I created a video on the fundamentals, tips, and a short meditation session to get you started!

Explore Crystals

There are a variety of crystals all with their own healing powers. Most are thought to flow good energy throughout you and help rid the body of negative energy, both physical and emotional. 

There are many ways to start incorporating crystals into your life:

  • Incorporate them throughout your household
  • Carry them with you
  • Add them to your bath routine (crystal prohibiting)

I highly recommend going to a crystal shop and exploring what feels called to you. Is there one in particular that feels like you want to hold in your hand and have close to you? Go with it, and see what happens.

See a Psychic with Friends

Seeing a psychic is such a fun way to start embracing your woo! Do a bit of research as there are many different ways in which psychics can do readings for you — cards, astrological readings — or intuitive/clairvoyant readings.

When you go to a psychic session, come with questions to ask. Readings are meant to provide you with guidance, on how to interpret your instincts.

Learn About Energy Work

Energy work comes in many forms, but at the core it’s tapping into your body’s frequencies to promote well-being. 

You may already be practicing energy work without even realizing it. Energy work includes Reiki, acupuncture, smudging, and tapping

I practice Reiki self-care regularly, so I can start off my day feeling energized and balanced. Tapping is also a technique I use regularly and is one that I share often on my Instagram

The best way to start embracing your “woo” and letting your light shine is by incorporating it into your everyday routine. 

And remember allowing your woo to shine allows others to open express their own spirituality. More people likely feel the same way as you, and will enjoy your authentic woo-woo self! 

hello & welcome.

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