3 Easy Ways to Shift Negative Energy and Feel More Positive

Have you ever had the day where it’s started off perfect? You woke up feeling refreshed, taking time to do your morning routine. Your vibe is so high that you feel on top of the world. 

Ready to conquer the day you head out for work, smiling at those passing by and bringing innovative ideas to meetings.

But then your boss comes to you worried about project deadlines. A Zoom call with your coworkers is filled with the stress of all the things needing to get done. 

Your once high vibe is… gone.

What happened?

How could you have gone from having this great energy to feeling this slump of stress and worry, when you weren’t even concerned with the project deadlines and remaining tasks? Your energy feels off.

What is an energy shift?

Everything around us has its own energy and vibration, including you. We’re in a constant state of radiating or retrieving energies. Some good energies, and some bad ones. 

It’s easy to pick up on other people’s energies – family members, coworkers through a Zoom call, even social media content. 

Think of it this way – when someone else yawns, it’s almost an automatic reaction for you to yawn. That’s how energies work. When you see someone else tired, you are more likely to become tired, if you allow it.

“Thoughts create reality”

How to shift your negative energy

If your energy has shifted to an unpleasant one, like anger or worry here are my top recommendations for navigating the energy shift and reshift to a new, more pleasant one. 

1. Recognize

It’s important to recognize if the energetic shift that you encountered brought on an emotion you don’t want to feel. Simply take a moment to PAUSE. 

  • Where did this emotion come from?
  • What’s the purpose for you feeling this way?
  • Did you bring the emotion upon yourself, or did you retrieve it from someone else?
  • When did you first sense this emotion?

In our earlier example, by pausing you’d notice that you didn’t bring your stress and worry upon yourself. Instead, you had picked it up from your boss and coworkers during your earlier meetings. The purpose for the emotion could be that you want to solve their problems. 

By pausing and taking a moment to recognize your feelings, you’re validating them and accepting the shift. 

2. Reshift

Once you’ve recognized and accepted your energy shift, take a second to center yourself. Place a hand on your heart and your other on your upper tummy. 

Take a couple deep breaths to settle in the moment and become aware of your emotions.

Breathe in through your nose, activating your nervous system to calm down. When you breathe out through your mouth, release the emotion. As you continue breathing in and out, start bringing in the feeling of calm, and releasing any energies you don’t want.

Another option to ground yourself is to go outside, take off your shoes, and step on the earth. Take in the sights and sounds around you, and just be.

Once you feel calm, continue on with your day. Allow yourself to feel the energies you felt right when you woke up – high vibe, energetic, and productive. 

When you start to feel an energy shift again, recognize it and let it pass by. 

3. Reflect

At the end of your day, take time to reflect on your experience. This could be through journaling or simply reflecting on it internally. 

Outline what your experience was like:

  • What energies did you feel today?
  • Did any energies affect your day negatively?
  • Which energies made you feel amazing?

Also take a moment to be aware and grateful. You were able to recognize that your energy had changed, and that you didn’t want to stay that way! Not only that, but you reshifted your energy back to a higher vibration that allowed you to end your day feeling positive. 

I am so proud of you.

By recognizing your energies and learning the effect they have on yourself and others, you’re taking a great step toward mindfulness. By being mindful, you are learning about your emotions and how the emotions of others impact you, giving you a deeper understanding of your old patterns, beliefs, and values. It’s a step towards recognizing whether an energy shift is due to your own emotions, or the collective consciousness of those that surround you.

Most people aren’t adept to recognizing and understanding energy shifts. By being in tune with your energy, you’re able to recognize the symptoms and feelings you have when an energy shift is happening and start to recognize patterns. 

If you’re struggling to reshift your energy, it’s okay. It takes practice, and will come with time. 

I have recorded a practice called Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), otherwise known as tapping. It’s a method to reduce your anxiety, stress, and other emotions to start healing and finding calmness. You can learn more and see a tutorial on tapping here

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